I know, I said I would try out another recipe for a cake, but I still kinda love biscuit. And again I used it to create this cute cake.
As you know, first of all I had to make the marshmallow fondant. Colored it yellow, green and orange. The black one were a challenge and I had to cheat and bought a ready to go one. To get it really really dark black it would take a lot of time, even if I would use the Wilton. I'm not a professional to know how it gets the really dark color.
After I got 2 cookie sheet of pretty good biscuit. I started to mold the body and the head of Maya The Bee.
It took me awhile to get it right. One time the head were to big for the torso and one time the torso were to big for the head. Well, anyway. The final result didn't look too weird.
As you can see on the pic above, I put the body parts on a biscuit too, because it wouldn't be enough for all the kids at the kindergarten.
After I got everything in place, I covered the biscuit with green fondant.
I have to say, I bought the cheap marshmallows and the fondant didn't work out the way I were used and so I got a cut in the middle of the cake. It was horrible for me, because I wanted it right and after a long time thinking about to resolve this problem, I choose to decorate it with a fondant ribbon.
The legs and the arms were mold with yellow fondant. And also the head and the torso got a yellow cover.
To get the hair, I used a cookie cutter, the eyes are white marshmallows, the nose and the mouth made with chocolate. You can still see the cut on the biscuit :(.
But as you can see at the final result, it doesn't look so bad. I showed it one of my friends and she said, it looks like Willi, the best friend of Maya The Bee. Really?!?! Not even closely.
There you go, the cut on the biscuit, covered with a ribbon and Maya The Bee lies perfectly.