Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A little bit late....

but still interesting. The Christmas time came along and shortly I decided to bake some incredible little cakes for all my friends. What is more valuable as a homemade gift?

I started on the 23rd of December and as you can imagine it was a lot of stress to create the little Santa's, stars and snowmen. But as usual I made it.

I wanted to create little Christmas wreath, but somehow I run out of red foundant.

On this pic you can seee at the right side, how the base were. As you know I use biscuit, cover it with butter cream and a homemade marshmallow foundant (different colors).

These are the little snowmen. Doesn't they look cute? Trust me it was hard work to get the little nose, but it was worth the work.

My friends loved it and that's the important part of Christmas.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Spider Birthday Cake

Each year the same, friends have their birthday and so the baking starts again. Of course it should be something special and to bake the same cake like last year isn't my thing. One of my friends really hates spiders, really! And I would say, perfect for me, cause I always get new ideas :). 
Everything starts with a biscuit and I had a pink fondant still in my fridge. It would be a shame, if I wouldn't use it.

I made 2 of it, but still wondering if it would be enough. I cut the cake in 2 pieces and started to cut it for the spider body, put some jam between the layers, covered it with buttercream and did the same procedure with the head of the spider.

Next pic shows the body already covered with pink fondant.

I didn't have so much time to take pics during the whole production and so you will see the result.

I took the rest of the cake and made little cakes and with chocolate I draw some spider net on it. A little bottle of Bailey's should show my friends habbit :). Pleas pay attention on the spiders lips! Really awesome! 

I found the necklace with the big 30, at a local fun store. To be honest, the legs of the spider were the bigger problem. How should I make them?! After some brainstorming, I decided to use some chocolate covered sticks one and with hot chocolate I connected them to each other. Some sneakers hold the legs in the right position. I worried about the transportation, but it worked and no leg got lost! 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

House on fire! Call the firefighters!!

My little nephew wanted a fire truck cake for his 4th birthday. Well, you should know the party theme were knights and everything with it. I thought he might want a knight's cake, but my bad.

The bad thing, I had to work and I had to fix the cake too. So I had to cheat with the fondant. Got a black, red and blue fondant from a bake shop nearby. Thought it would be a good idea, but nope. The colors are really awesome and really strong, but to work with it, it wasn't so good. Next time I have to try it on my own, but I bet, I won't get such a strong black color. Anyway, let me show you the result.

Doesn't look too bad. But it could be better!

As usual I baked my amazing biscuit. I made 3 cookie sheets of biscuit. One for the ground, one for the house and the 3rd one for the fire truck.

After cutting it in the right shape, I covered it with buttercream.

I used one for the ground, where I wanted to set up the burning house and a fire truck.

Cutting another biscuit into a little tower. The only problem were the different shapes of the biscuit. I put some jam between the layers and cut them into the right shape and finished it with covering it with buttercream.

The next step were forming the fire truck. As you can see, I really worked hard to get it right. Just covered with buttercream it looked like an elephant without the trunk. I also cut the wheels out of the biscuit.

After fighting with the red fondant, the house looked like this. I covered the ground layer with green marshmallow fondant, so it would look like a green field or so.

After creating, cutting and covering both, the house and the truck, I placed both on the ground layer. Forming a little sidewalk in front of the house and putting the black fondant covered wheels into place.

I worked until midnight and on the next morning I finished it up. Created a little fireplug, a house, some fire elements on the house and the little things on the fire truck. I don't think it looks soo bad. Well, it's not a masterpiece from a bakery shop, but it's made with love and a lot of patience.

But the most important part, my nephew loved it! We had horrible warm days in a row and the fondant started to melt. Maybe next time I will use a hardener. But after creating such piece, you will always find something which you could have done better.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Sweet Sixteen Birthday Cake

I found it very difficult to bake a birthday cake for a friend's daughter, who celebrates her sixteent birthday. What kind of cake will you make? After a long discussion with my friend, I decided to bake a usual one, because I don't think I can create a bloody horror one.

So this time you will be probably disappointed, but I promise to make it up.

It wasn't such a big deal, but my friend's daughter liked it. I used a biscuit and marshmallow fondant.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Maya The Bee Cake

It's been a while since I posted something new, but it doesn't mean I didn't bake anything. Last March a friend asked me for a cake for her son's birthday. She told me he loves Maya The Bee and so I decided to make one.

I know, I said I would try out another recipe for a cake, but I still kinda love biscuit. And again I used it to create this cute cake.
As you know, first of all I had to make the marshmallow fondant. Colored it yellow, green and orange. The black one were a challenge and I had to cheat and bought a ready to go one. To get it really really dark black it would take a lot of time, even if I would use the Wilton. I'm not a professional to know how it gets the really dark color.

After I got 2 cookie sheet of pretty good biscuit. I started to mold the body and the head of Maya The Bee.

It took me awhile to get it right. One time the head were to big for the torso and one time the torso were to big for the head. Well, anyway. The final result didn't look too weird.
As you can see on the pic above, I put the body parts on a biscuit too, because it wouldn't be enough for all the kids at the kindergarten.

After I got everything in place, I covered the biscuit with green fondant.

I have to say, I bought the cheap marshmallows and the fondant didn't work out the way I were used and so I got a cut in the middle of the cake. It was horrible for me, because I wanted it right and after a long time thinking about to resolve this problem, I choose to decorate it with a fondant ribbon.

The legs and the arms were mold with yellow fondant. And also the head and the torso got a yellow cover.

To get the hair, I used a cookie cutter, the eyes are white marshmallows, the nose and the mouth made with chocolate. You can still see the cut on the biscuit :(. 
But as you can see at the final result, it doesn't look so bad. I showed it one of my friends and she said, it looks like Willi, the best friend of Maya The Bee. Really?!?! Not even closely.

There you go, the cut on the biscuit, covered with a ribbon and Maya The Bee lies perfectly. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Tractor Birthday Cake

After seeing the Bitch Birthday cake, someone asked me, if I could bake a special cake for her kid. So after long talks, what he would like, we choose a tractor.
I really enjoyed building this one, because of all the extras and ideas I got while I build it.

As you know, the foundation is my well known biscuit cak. NO! Wait! This time I had to bake a chocolate cake, because the little kiddo likes chocolate :).
Everthing started with this:
It is a really easy made recipe, when I don't forget, I will put it on here. I cut the cake in two halves. One I covered with butter cream and the other one I used to build the tractor.
Look closer on this picture and you will figure out how I made the wheels of the tractor. I covered the cake, where the tractor should stand with green marshmallow fondant, sure I used food color. I thought only the tractor isn't so cool, so I had the idea to set up a little country style to it.
The final cut came with chocolate for the details, like a license plate, a fence and so on. And as you can see the end result made.the boys heart jump :).

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A special Birthday cake...

for one of my collegues. Well, he made a mistake, he told me he "loves" breasts. So he got a very special cake :). 
I should confess, to create this cake was a challenge. What you can't really see on the picture is, that I mold a little guy, whit his head between these breasts. I will never forget his face, when he saw this Birthday cake.
First I used a biscuit cake for the ground. This wasn't the hardest thing.

The left picture shows the biscuit and the right one a chocolate cake, which I used to bring the breasts into shape.


After cutting out a woman body shape and formed the breasts, I covered it with butter cream. This fondant worked great and tasted delicious, didn't have any troubles to cover the cake with it. Doesn't it look awesome?

I added bra and panties, finished it up with some chocolate and a belly piercing.
And of course the guy which loves to be between breasts :). It broke my heart when he cut the first piece :(.